fetal heart tracing quiz 12

Am J Obstet Gynecol 1981; 140:435. The physiology behind late deceleration is uteroplacental insufficiency.16,17 Transient late deceleration patterns may be seen with maternal hypotension or uterine hyperstimulation. Typically performed in the later stages of pregnancy and during labor, fetal heart tracing results can say a lot about the health of your baby. University of Rochester Medical Center. External monitoring is performed using a hand-held Doppler ultrasound probe to auscultate and count the. -*considered significantly non-reassuring, esp when repetitive and associated w decreased variability*, Repetitive late decelerations are defined as, occurring *after 50%+ of contractions in a 20 min* period, *uteroplacental insufficiency*, as a result of eitehr decreased uterine perfusion or decreased placental function Powered by Powered by Your program should process a Health care professionals play the game to hone and test their EFM knowledge and skills. For more information on the use, interpretation and management of patients based on Fetal Heart Tracings check out the resources below. This measurement helps healthcare providers determine the well-being of the fetus during prenatal visits or labor. Prolonged decelerations (Online Figures K and L) last longer than two minutes, but less than 10 minutes.11 They may be caused by a number of factors, including head compression (rapid fetal descent), cord compression, or uteroplacental insufficiency. --recurrent late decels They really aren't intended for home monitoring. These are called maternal causes and may include: The following methods are used to listen to a fetal heart rate: External monitoring means checking the fetal heart rate through the mothers abdomen (belly). From there, providers generally check it during each subsequent prenatal appointment and also monitor it during labor. or call toll-free from U.S.: (800) 762-2264 or (240) 547-2156 You scored 6 out of 6 correct. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/nonstress-test/about/pac-20384577 What is the primary goal of effective communication in the care of the intrapartum patient? -early labor: 0-6cm, 6-12 hours Nearly 100 years later, they found that very low heart rate (bradycardia) indicated fetal distress. When you've finished these first five, here are five more. These segments help establish an estimated baseline (for a duration of 10 minutes) which is expressed in beats per minute. Absent baseline FHR variability and any of the following: We encourage ALL students to educate themselves about racism in America today and have included a list of-anti-racism resources here: Your Junior Fellow Advisory Council recently chimed in with their advice for surviving and succeeding during intern year. -tachycardia, -minimal baseline variability Health care professionals play the game to hone and test their EFM knowledge and skills. Garite TJ, Dildy GA, McNamara . How can you tell if a fetus is in distress? In addition, you must know what is causing each type of deceleration, such as uteroplacental insufficiency or umbilical cord compression. - 160-200 generally well tolerated w normal variability, Contraction forces are usually reported as, montevideo units *(MVUs)*: represent *total intensity of each contraction over 10 min* period This article reviews normal fetal heart rate, how it is measured, who should monitor it, and what causes variations. Baseline is calculated as a mean of FHR segments that are the most horizontal, and also fluctuate the least. Gilstrap LC 3rd, Hauth JC, Hankins GD, Beck AW. The Value of EFM Certification (One Team One Language), showcases the national PSA campaign Your Baby Communicates along with peer-to-peer video discussions on the value of EFM Board Certification. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring was developed in the 1960s to assist in the diagnosis of fetal hypoxia during labor. The fetal heart rate tracing shows ALL of the following: Baseline FHR 110-160 BPM, moderate FHR variability, accelerations may be present or absent, no late or variable decelerations, may have early decelerations. 2016;123(6):870-870. doi:10.1111/1471-0528.13844. It provides more precise readings that are not affected by the babys movement. Hornberger, L. K., & Sahn, D. J. --> decreased intervillous exchange of oxygen adn CO2 and progressive fetal hypoxia and acidemia, *abrupt, onset <30 sec* visually apparent decreases in FHR below baseline FHR While EFM use may be common and widespread, there is controversy about its efficacy, interobserver and intraobserver variability, and management algorithms. CVS: 8-12 weeks, checks genetic/biochemical abnormalities, and short waiting time. She specializes in health and wellness writing including blogs, articles, and education. Contractions cause an increase in uterine venous pressure and a decrease in uterine artery perfusion. Compared with structured intermittent auscultation, a period of EFM on maternity unit admission results in a lack of improved neonatal outcomes and increased interventions, including epidural analgesia (NNH = 19), continuous EFM (NNH = 7), and fetal blood scalp testing (NNH = 45). This depends on the source and duration of your increased heart rate. Your doctor can confirm the likelihood of hypoxic injury using fetal heart tracing. Early. Compared with structured intermittent auscultation, continuous EFM showed no difference in overall neonatal death rate. You can check out all our previous content here if you didnt get a chance to see it. . Yes. However, it can take some practice to hear the heartbeat using this method, especially if the baby is moving around. delayed after uterine Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Here's generally what to expect: Weeks 10 to 12 of pregnancy are very exciting for expectant parents. Fetal heart monitoring in labour: From Pinard to artificial intelligence. A meta-analysis showed that if there is absent or minimal variability without spontaneous accelerations, the presence of an acceleration after scalp stimulation or fetal acoustic stimulation indicates that the fetal pH is at least 7.20.19, If the FHR tracing remains abnormal, these tests may need to be performed periodically, and consideration of emergent cesarean or operative vaginal delivery is usually recommended.15 Measurements of cord blood gases are generally recommended after any delivery for abnormal FHR tracing because evidence of metabolic acidosis (cord pH less than 7.00 or base deficit greater than 12 mmol per L) is one of the four essential criteria for determining an acute intrapartum hypoxic event sufficient to cause cerebral palsy.20, When using continuous EFM, tracings should be reviewed by physicians and labor and delivery nurses on a regular basis during labor. -*active labor: 6-8 cm, 3-5 hours* Specific FHR tracings are analyzed in a stepwise manner. STEM Entrance Exam Quiz: Can you pass this Stem Exam? Compared with EFM alone, the addition of fetal electrocardiography analysis results in a reduction in operative vaginal deliveries (NNT = 50) and fetal scalp sampling (NNT = 33). Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring - Freeman 2012 "Fetal heart rate monitoring is widely used by almost every obstetrician as a way to document the case and to help decrease health care costs. Adequate documentation is necessary, and many institutions are now employing flow sheets (e.g., partograms), clinical pathways, or FHR tracing archival processes (in electronic records). You are evaluating a patient in the Prenatal Testing Department who has just completed a biophysical profile (BPP). Questions and Answers 1. coincides with the peak of Risk increases with factors such as: A fetal heart rate gives you and your healthcare team information about your babys health during pregnancy. Initiate oxygen at 6 to 10 L per minute, 5. 100-170 bpm C. 110-160 bpm D. 120-140 bpm 2. -acceleration in response means that acidosis is unlikely Our proposed deep learning solution consists of three main components (see Fig. Your doctor will explain the steps of the procedure. Electronic fetal monitoring is performed in a hospital or doctors office. Healthcare providers usually start listening for a babys heart rate at the 10- or 12-week prenatal visit. Decelerations represent a decrease in FHR of more than 15 bpm in bandwidth amplitude. Assessments - Electronic Fetal Monitoring Assessments Ready to test yourself? These flow changes along with increased catecholamine secretions have what effect on fetal blood pressure and fetal heart rate? Have you tested your EFM skills lately? file containing tags. Bradycardia not accompanied by absent baseline variability, Absent baseline variability with no recurrent decelerations, Absence of induced accelerations after fetal stimulation, Recurrent variable decelarations accompanied by minimal or moderate baseline variability, Prolonged deceleration more than 2 minutes but less than 10 minutes, Recurrent late declarations with moderate baseline variability, Variable decelerations with other characteristics such as slow return to baseline, overshoots, or "shoulders". You are turning on Local Settings. The workshop introduced a new classification scheme for decision making with regard to tracings. Amnioinfusion for umbilical cord compression in the presence of decelerations reduced: fetal heart rate decelerations (NNT = 3); cesarean delivery overall (NNT = 8); Apgar score < 7 at five minutes (NNT = 33); low cord arterial pH (< 7.20; NNT = 8); neonatal hospital stay > three days (NNT = 5); and maternal hospital stay > three days (NNT = 7). Baseline rate: 110 to 160 bpm . The EFM toolkit also offers EFM CE opportunities and C-EFM. fluid to the laboratory to screen the client for chlamydia b. send a sample of amniotic fluid to the laboratory to test for an elevated Rh-negative titer c. administer immune . Visually apparent, abrupt (onset to peak < 30 seconds) increase in FHR from baseline. Run-ons, Comma Splices, And Fragments Quiz! They continue to monitor it during prenatal appointments and during labor. She is the former chief of obstetrics-gynecology at Yale Health. Am I Having Depression During Pregnancy? Depending on your health status and your babys, nonstress tests (one to two times a week, if not daily) might be a good idea. 2015;43(4):198-203. doi:10.1249/JES.0000000000000058. Johns Hopkins Medicine. A more recent article on intrapartum fetal monitoring is available. A change in baseline FHR is said to occur when the change persists for 10 minutes or longer. BASIC Fetal Heart Monitoring This workshop was developed for the RN with 0-6 months experience in L&D. The course will define methods of monitoring, instrumentation, physiology and pathophysiology of the FHR, FHR characteristics, as well as review common antenatal testing methods. A stethoscope or fetoscope can be used by anyone after 20 or 22 weeks of pregnancy. a. -absent baseline variability not accompanied by recurrent decels During labor, they may give the mother oxygen or change her position to see if that helps the baby or if they need to intervene. When continuous EFM tracing is indeterminate, fetal scalp pH sampling or fetal stimulation may be used to assess for the possible presence of fetal acidemia.5 Fetal scalp pH testing is no longer commonly performed in the United States and has been replaced with fetal stimulation or immediate delivery (by operative vaginal delivery or cesarean delivery). Fluctuations in the baseline FHR that are irregular in amplitude and frequency. Tracings of the normal fetal heart rate are between 120 and 160. Sarah BSN, RN explains in this video tutorial some clever ways on how to learn these type of fetal heart rate decelerations. *bpm = beats per minute. accelerations: present or absent, -bradycardia not accompanied by absent baseline variability Other times, it indicates a health concern for the baby. Yes, and the strip is reactive. 2015;131(1):13-24. doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.06.019. National Library of Medicine. Click on the link below to ask for help or provide us feedback about this product. Copyright 2009 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. NICDH definitions of decelerations: Continuous EFM reduced neonatal seizures (NNT = 661), but not the occurrence of cerebral palsy. Brandi is a nurse and the owner of Brandi Jones LLC. Category I FHR tracings include all of the following: Category II FHR tracings include all FHR tracings not categorized as Category I or Category III. Impact of maternal exercise during pregnancy on offspring chronic disease susceptibility. Abrupt increases in the FHR are associated with fetal movement or stimulation and are indicative of fetal well-being11 (Online Table B, Online Figure G). meconium stained amniotic fluid is present in 10-20% of births, and most neonates don't experience issues. All Rights Reserved. Consider need for expedited delivery (operative vaginal delivery or cesarean delivery). 1. DR C BRAVADO incorporates maternal and fetal risk factors (DR = determine risk), contractions (C), the fetal monitor strip (BRA = baseline rate, V = variability, A = accelerations, and D = decelerations), and interpretation (O = overall assessment). > 2 min., but < 10 min in It can provide lots of information about your babys health during pregnancy. Content adapted from relevant ACOG Practice Bulletins and AAFP Guidelines. - When considering the effectiveness of Electronic Fetal Monitoring, it comes down to the experience and knowledge of the person identifying the tracings. FETAL HEART TRACING. Every 15 to 30 minutes in active phase of first stage of labor; every 5 minutes in second stage of labor with pushing, Assess FHR before: initiation of labor-enhancing procedure; ambulation of patient; administration of medications; or initiation of analgesia or anesthesia, Assess FHR after: admission of patient; artificial or spontaneous rupture of membranes; vaginal examination; abnormal uterine activity; or evaluation of analgesia or anesthesia, 1. You suspect that there could be chronic fetal asphyxia because the score is below. The NCC EFM Tracing Game is part of the free online EFM toolkit at NCC-EFM.org. The interpretation of the fetal heart rate tracing should follow a systematic approach with a comprehensive description of the following: *Remember, top strip - FHT; bottom strip - uterine contractions. Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Medical Consultant, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/fetal-heart-monitoring Another area of interest is the use of computer analysis for key components of the fetal tracing,29 or decision analysis for the interpretation of the EFM tracing.30 These have not been demonstrated to improve clinical outcomes.29,30 Fetal pulse oximetry was developed to continuously monitor fetal oxygenation during labor by using an internal monitor, requiring rupture of membranes.31 Trials have not demonstrated a reduction in cesarean delivery rates or interventions with the use of fetal pulse oximetry.31. Variability describes fluctuations in the baseline FHR, whether in terms of frequency, amplitude, or magnitude. Ordinarily, your babys heart beats at a faster rate in the late stage of pregnancy, when theyre especially active. Sometimes a fetal heart rate is outside the normal range simply because the fetus is moving around. However, you don't need to worry about this right now especially if you prepare well with the help of our amazing quiz! The clinical risk status (low, medium, or high) of each fetus is assessed in conjunction with the interpretation of the continuous EFM tracing. Healthcare providers may also use continuous external electronic monitoring during labor. Healthcare providers usually start listening for a baby's heart rate at the 10- to 12-week prenatal visit using a Doppler machine. determination of *fetal blood pH or lactate: scalp blood sample* In case of ECM tracing w decreased or absent variability (high false + rates), you can do what ancillary tests? When the healthcare team detects a possible problem, their first step will be to try to find the cause. Registered Nurse, Free Care Plans, Free NCLEX Review, Nurse Salary, and much more. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. The Fetal Heart Rate Tracing SecondLookTM app consists of three slide sets, which cover the basic interpretation of FHR tracings including the determination of baseline and variability, various types of acceleration and decelerations, and some examples and practice cases. NCC EFM Tracing Game. Stillbirth and Gestational Diabetes: How to Lower Your Risk, Autism Risks Related to Pregnancy and Birth, Fetal heart monitoring in labour: From Pinard to artificial intelligence, FIGO consensus guidelines on intrapartum fetal monitoring: Cardiotocography, What happens if my prenatal doctor hears a fetal heart arrhythmia, External and internal heart rate monitoring of the fetus, Avoid fetal "keepsake" images, heartbeat monitors, Fetal tachycardia is an independent risk factor for chromosomal anomalies in firsttrimester genetic screening, Impact of maternal exercise during pregnancy on offspring chronic disease susceptibility, Effects of prenatal stress on pregnancy and human development: Mechanisms and pathways, Maternal intake of medications, caffeine, or nicotine, Maternal age (teens or women over age 35), A baby with health concerns or chromosomal abnormalities. *bpm = beats per minute. Electronic fetal monitoring may help detect changes in normal FHR patterns during labor. The use of amnioinfusion for recurrent deep variable decelerations demonstrated reductions in decelerations and cesarean delivery overall. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Your doctor conducts intrapartum monitoring of fetal heart rate to pinpoint unusual patterns resulting from an inadequate supply of oxygen. Fetal heart rate (FHR) Top line on monitor strip Uterine contractions Bottom line on monitor strip 8 Features to Describe Baseline Variability Accelerations Decelerations Trends over time Interpret into 1 of 3 categories 9 Baseline Mean fetal heart rate Rounded to increments of 5 During a 10 minute period Excluding accelerations and decelerations Understanding the physiology of fetal oxygenation and various influences on fetal heart rate control supports nurses, midwives, and physicians in interpreting and managing electronic fetal heart rate tracings during labor and birth. [10] The first step involves identifying whether there are accelerations or moderate variability. Must be for a minimum of 2 minutes in any 10-minute segment. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM), using external or internal transducers, became a part of routine maternity care during the 1970s; by 2002, about 85 percent of live births (3.4 million out of 4 million) were monitored by it.1 Continuous EFM has led to an increase in cesarean delivery and instrumental vaginal births; however, the incidences of neonatal mortality and cerebral palsy have not fallen, and a decrease in neonatal seizures is the only demonstrable benefit.2 The potential benefits and risks of continuous EFM and structured intermittent auscultation should be discussed during prenatal care and labor, and a decision reached by the pregnant woman and her physician, with the understanding that if intrapartum clinical situations warrant, continuous EFM may be recommended.3, There are several considerations when choosing a method of intrapartum fetal monitoring. https://www.acog.org/~/media/For%20Patients/faq015.pdf. Low amplitude contractions are not an early sign of preterm labor. Describe the variability. 90-150 bpm B. | Terms and Conditions of Use. Are there decelerations present? Monique Rainford, MD, isboard-certified in obstetrics-gynecology, and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Medicine. You have to lie down or sit in a reclined position for the test, which lasts about 20 minutes. 2, 3, 4 Recent developments in HRV measurements offer a non-invasive point-of-care assessment tool to predict cardiovascular instability What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like? (2007). Give intravenous fluids if not already administered; consider bolus, 7. *moderate baseline variability* May 2, 2022 The NCC EFM Tracing Game is part of the free online EFM toolkit at NCC-EFM.org. Sometimes, a fetal heart rate is abnormal because of something happening in the mothers body. The perception that structured intermittent auscultation increases medicolegal risk, the lack of hospital staff trained in structured intermittent auscultation, and the economic benefit of continuous EFM from decreased use of nursing staff may promote the use of continuous EFM.8 Online Table A lists considerations in developing an institutional strategy for fetal surveillance. Fetal hypoxemia results in biphasic changes in the ST segment of the fetal electrocardiography (FECG) waveform and an increase in the T:QRS ratio.15 The ST-segment automated analysis (STAN) software from Noventa Medical can record the frequency of ST events and, combined with changes in continuous EFM, can be used to determine if intervention during the labor process is indicated.15 Several studies have evaluated FECG analysis, documenting its effectiveness at reducing operative vaginal deliveries, fetal scalp sampling, neonatal encephalopathy, and fetal acidosis (pH < 7.05).2528 One drawback to this technology is that it requires rupture of the membranes and internal fetal scalp monitoring. It's typically the first time they hear their babys heartbeat during a prenatal visit. Decrease in FHR from the baseline that is 15 bpm or more, lasting 2 minutes or more but less than 10 minutes in duration. contraction. -variable decels w no other characteristics, -*absent baseline variability and any of following*: Your JFAC wishes you the best of luck as you start this rewarding journey. Health care professionals play the game to hone and test their EFM knowledge and skills. Effects of prenatal stress on pregnancy and human development: Mechanisms and pathways. The recommendations for the overall management of FHR tracings by NICHD, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, and ACOG agree that interpretation is reproducible at the extreme ends of the fetal monitor strip spectrum.10 For example, the presence of a normal baseline rate with FHR accelerations or moderate variability predicts the absence of fetal acidemia.10,11 Bradycardia, absence of variability and accelerations, and presence of recurrent late or variable decelerations may predict current or impending fetal asphyxia.10,11 However, more than 50 percent of fetal strips fall between these two extremes, in which overall recommendations cannot be made reliably.10 In the 2008 revision of the NICHD tracing definitions, a three-category system was adopted: normal (category I), indeterminate (category II), and abnormal (category III).11 Category III tracings need intervention to resolve the abnormal tracing or to move toward expeditious delivery.11 In the ALSO course, using the DR C BRAVADO approach, the FHR tracing may be classified using the stoplight algorithm (Figure 19), which corresponds to the NICHD categories.9,11 Interventions are determined by placing the FHR tracing in the context of the specific clinical situation and corresponding NICHD category, fetal reserve, and imminence of delivery (Table 4).9,11, If the FHR tracing is normal, structured intermittent auscultation or continuous EFM techniques can be employed in a low-risk patient, although reconsideration may be necessary as labor progresses.2 If the FHR tracing is abnormal, interventions such as position changes, maternal oxygenation, and intravenous fluid administration may be used. What kind of variability and decelerations are noted in this strip? Differentiate maternal pulse from. For simplicity, assume that the tags are separated by spaces, and Patient information: See related handout on electronic fetal monitoring, written by the author of this article. Assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) is a sensitive indicator of autonomic nervous system function and is used in numerous fields of clinical medicine, including cardiology, neurology, and anesthesiology. Remember, the baseline is the average heart rate rounded to the nearest five bpm. Montana's bill would ban donors who have received the mRNA vaccines from giving blood. For example, if there is a drop in FHR, and then 30 seconds later it rises again, this is more likely a deceleration than a fetal bradycardia. 140 Correct . Tracings meeting these criteria are predictive of normal fetal acid-base balance at the time of observation. (They start and reach maximum value in less than 30 seconds.) Reviewed by Eugenia Tikhonovich, MD Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Medical Consultant The normal range for baseline FHR is defined by NICHD as 110 to 160 beats per minute (bpm; Online Figure A). The baseline when the woman's abdomen is relaxed will be from zero to 10. Maladaptive Daydreaming Test: Am I A Maladaptive Daydreamer? Cross) Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler) Fluorescent-labeled lineage tracing revealed that 1 week after transplantation, green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MSCs were found to migrate to the bone surface (BS) in control mice but not in DIO mice. Tracing patterns can and will change! Symmetrical gradual decrease and return of the FHR associated with a uterine contraction. -prolonged decel *can be due to umbilical cord prolapse*. Copyright 2023 American Academy of Family Physicians. Decelerations (D). -chorioaminiotis= most common cause Will my heart rate directly affect my babys heart rate during pregnancy? Scroll down for another when you're done. ____ Late A.) Intraobserver variability may play a major role in its interpretation. With the help of this fetal heart monitoring trivia quiz and the questions accompanying it, you will know all about the process of fetal heart monitoring which exists to let you and your doctor see exactly how fast your unborn baby's heart is beating. Corticosteroid administration may cause an increase in FHR accelerations. Practice Quizzes 1-5 - Electronic Fetal Monitoring Basic and Advanced Study Home About Self Guided Tutorial EFM In-Depth Assessments Fetal Tracing Index References Practice Quizzes 1-5 Try your hand at the following quizzes. What is the baseline of the FHT? --recurrent variable decels Fetal heart tracing allows your doctor to measure the rate and rhythm of your little one's heartbeat. 32 weeks EGA: peak 15 bpm above baseline, duration 15 seconds but < 2 minutes from onset of the acceleration to return to baseline. Baseline A way to assess your babys overall health, fetal heart tracing is performed before and during the process of labor. This web game uses NICHD terminology to identify tracing elements and categorize EFM tracings. - 100-110 can be sustained for long periods if normal variability . Q: What is the most common obstetric procedure in the United States? The baby may need to grow for another week or two before you and your healthcare provider can hear it. -also *commonly associated w oligohydramnios*, ___ are the most common periodic FHR pattern, *variable decels* The fetus in this tracing also has fetal tachycardia, or an elevated heart rate of 170 -175 beats per minute over a 10 minute period of time. Differentiate maternal pulse from fetal pulse, 4. Braxton Hicks vs. Real Contractions: How to Tell the Difference? Abdomen. Create engaging Jeopardy-style quiz games in minutes or choose from millions of existing Jeopardy game templates. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Calculated as amplitude of peak-to-trough in bpm. EFM Tracing Game. Theyll wrap a pair of belts around your belly. Whenever possible, they will implement measures to prevent an unfavorable outcome. Back. Copyright 2023 RegisteredNurseRN.com. The second half of the Fetal heart rate patterns identify which fetuses are experiencing difficulties by measuring their cardiac and central nervous system responses to changes in blood pressure and gases. This mobile app covers the following topics Palpate the abdomen to determine the position of the fetus (Leopold maneuvers) 2. We have other quizzes matching your interest. Count FHR after uterine contraction for 60 seconds (at 5-second intervals) to identify fetal response to active labor (this may be subject to local protocols), Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry, Maternal motor vehicle collision or trauma, Abnormal fetal heart rate on auscultation or admission, Intrauterine infection or chorioamnionitis, Post-term pregnancy (> 42 weeks' gestation), Prolonged membrane rupture > 24 hours at term, Regional analgesia, particularly after initial bolus and after top-ups (continuous electronic fetal monitoring is not required with mobile or continuous-infusion epidurals), High, medium, or low risk (i.e., risk in terms of the clinical situation), Rate, rhythm, frequency, duration, intensity, and resting tone, Bradycardia (< 110 bpm), normal (110 to 160 bpm), or tachycardia (> 160 bpm); rising baseline, Reflects central nervous system activity: absent, minimal, moderate, or marked, Rises from the baseline of 15 bpm, lasting 15 seconds, Absent, early, variable, late, or prolonged, Assessment includes implementing an appropriate management plan, Visually apparent, abrupt (onset to peak < 30 seconds) increase in FHR from the most recently calculated baseline, Peak 15 bpm above baseline, duration 15 seconds, but < 2 minutes from onset to return to baseline; before 32 weeks gestation: peak 10 bpm above baseline, duration 10 seconds, Approximate mean FHR rounded to increments of 5 bpm during a 10-minute segment, excluding periodic or episodic changes, periods of marked variability, and segments of baseline that differ by > 25 bpm, In any 10-minute window, the minimum baseline duration must be 2 minutes, or the baseline for that period is indeterminate (refer to the previous 10-minute segment for determination of baseline), The nadir of the deceleration occurs at the same time as the peak of the contraction, The nadir of the deceleration occurs after the peak of the contraction, Abrupt decrease in FHR; if the nadir of the deceleration is 30 seconds, it cannot be considered a variable deceleration, Moderate baseline FHR variability, late or variable decelerations absent, accelerations present or absent, and normal baseline FHR (110 to 160 bpm), Continue current monitoring method (SIA or continuous EFM), Baseline FHR changes (bradycardia [< 110 bpm] not accompanied by absent baseline variability, or tachycardia [> 160 bpm]), Tachycardia: medication, maternal anxiety, infection, fever, Bradycardia: rupture of membranes, occipitoposterior position, post-term pregnancy, congenital anomalies, Consider expedited delivery if abnormalities persist, Change in FHR variability (absent and not accompanied by decelerations; minimal; or marked), Medications; sleep cycle; change in monitoring technique; possible fetal hypoxia or acidemia, Change monitoring method (internal monitoring if doing continuous EFM, or EFM if doing SIA), No FHR accelerations after fetal stimulation, FHR decelerations without absent variability, Late: possible uteroplacental insufficiency; epidural hypotension; tachysystole, Absent baseline FHR variability with recurrent decelerations (variable or late) and/or bradycardia, Uteroplacental insufficiency; fetal hypoxia or acidemia, 2.

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