seiu 1000 bargaining unit 4 contract

team and staff met with leadership from the Department of Real SEIU Local 1000 has a telework agreement! The arbitrator's decision regarding out-of-class and misallocation grievances shall be final and binding on the parties. The Task Force recommendation will be implemented no later than June 30, 2021. A personal leave day may be granted with less than five (5) working days' notice. For all CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees, when a regular holiday falls on an employee's unassigned, non-work day, and the employee is required to work, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday credit. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Contract, each had unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the understanding and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Contract. Upon ten (10) workdays advance notice to the department head or designee, the department shall provide reasonable time off without loss of compensation for a permanent employee required to take the Class A and/or B commercial driver's license examination and related medical examination(s), provided: The examination is scheduled during the employee's scheduled work hours; and. checks, the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) Double shifts will be permitted, consistent with departmental practices. Bid Request Form: Management shall make available paper copies of the bid request form in an accessible location for all eligible employees. When Shannon Pree was the victim of a horrific violent crime last An employee may request that the appointing power grant an exception to the prohibitions on outside employment contained in the applicable incompatible activity statement. The hours in excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours in a qualifying monthly pay period shall not be counted or accumulated. This advance notice is not required if: The change is due to an unforeseen operational need; or. The JLMTF shall meet every other month to determine the triggers that necessitate the use of mandatory overtime outside of emergencies, and develop a toolkit to help the different facilities as the facilities reduce mandatory overtime. Contact us to form a union in your workplace with SEIU Healthcare Minnesota! Management may deny a bid which is submitted by an employee who is on limited duty status if it is determined that the duties of the posted position are in conflict with the work limitation(s) described by the employee's physician. particularly on the Return to Office Plan and Telework. If the employee suffers a financial loss from the cancellation of CTO, vacation or annual leave that has been approved in writing, the employee may submit a California Victim Compensation Board claim for nonrefundable expenditure which can be verified. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 LVNs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020,and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. Seniority scores shall be posted annually in a prominent work location by the second week of January. Upon the Union's request, the State shall consider permitting other employees the additional rest periods. met with management to continue to negotiate the impact of the job protection. The America's Job Center of California operators and partners shall cooperate in the investigation of the following matters: discrimination under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Part 2.8 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, commencing with section 12900), threats and/or violence concerning State employees, and State employee misconduct. 2022!!). Qualifying courses must have been completed within the last five (5) years (determined by semester/year: e.g., class taken any semester in 1990 is good through 12-31-95). distributed among a larger group for a much less significant opportunity to learn more about the Departments expectations of in this meeting was largely the same as we had learned in our The designation of classes of members of the teaching staff of a Special School established by CCR Title 5 section 17604 applies to this article. against our members. Reappointment and Notice of Intention Not to Reappoint. Approval for the use of accrued compensating time off (CTO), vacation, or annual leave credits will not be rescinded unless the State determines the employee's presence is necessary for coverage, workload, or the continuation of services. Such employees who meet the CalHR, SROA definition, shall be considered surplus. conflict over Local 1000 Library Technical Assistants (LTAs) Departments may not use out-of-class assignments to avoid giving civil service examinations or to avoid using existing eligibility lists created as the result of a civil service examination. Atascadero. Each department or designee may establish procedures with regard to how contact is to be made (e.g., electronic paging device, phone) and with regard to response time while on standby. Adverse actions or rejections on probation may be arbitrated only after the grievant signs an express waiver of all rights to appeal the action or rejection to the SPB. Human Capital Management System (HCM) intended to modernize human When an employee is formally interviewed, the department head or designee will notify the employee of the non-selection. We confirmed that DMV Before an employee is required to work mandatory overtime, a reasonable effort will be made to find an acceptable volunteer within the program where the employee works. day must alter their telework schedule and later make up the It contains hundreds of articles client demands) and in accordance with Unit 15 provisions. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, these assignment shall not be counted in either State's or Union's positions. voice for workers to demand respect at that worksite. A spouse with one eligible child, or two (2) eligible children not in the care of the spouse.$1,500. An employee may voluntarily withdraw from participation in the twenty-four (24) month Bid Process by submitting a written request to the employee's supervisor. Such assignments may be advertised where appropriate, but will be filled through the sole discretion of the State. Special Schools run by the California Department of Education Such solicitation shall include the notice that the position is subject to post and bid process. The State agrees to provide Unit 14 with a written status report, within six (6) months of ratification of this Contract. This meeting was a Toll Collector vacant positions will be filled in the following order: Permanent full-time Toll Collectors who are currently assigned to the toll bridge where the vacancy exists and who have a valid Post and Bid Request on file shall be offered first right of refusal to the vacancy in seniority order. This request will be honored by the non-requesting party in the form of a meeting within thirty (30) days of the request; An employee alleging seniority date errors/disputes and is unable to resolve the problem with verbal communication shall submit the employee's complaint to the first formal level of review within the normal time frames specified in the grievance process; Hire, promotion, reinstatement, transfer from within the facility or from another State agency. Upon appointment to a Unit 17 position, departments shall provide each Unit 17 employee with a duty statement which describes the duties the employee is expected to perform. 2019-2021 SEIU Healthcare 1199NW. Employees are responsible for keeping management apprised of the employee's schedule and whereabouts, must receive approval from management for the use of formal leave (e.g., vacation, sick leave, personal leave) and for absences of one day or more, and must respond to directions from management to complete work assignments by specific deadlines. following: More than 150 newly-elected and returning bargaining Governor signed AB/SB 142 : 06/30/2021. Whenever possible, the department will provide employees with prior notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. When an employee is assigned out-of-class work, the employee shall receive the rate of pay the employee would have received pursuant to Title 2 California Code of Regulations sections 599.673, 599.674, or 599.676 if appointed to the higher classification. On Monday, September 26, 2022, our Union met with the Department SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. The EDD reserves the right to exempt placements from this section where there are clearly articulated operational needs. A Teacher, Specialist, may acquire tenure only as a teacher. Effective July 1, 2020, no SEIU Local 1000 represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020. a decade ago. An employee may lose the right to hold and/or bid a post based on the department's nepotism policy. Both parties recognize that ultimate responsibility rests with management. provide a mechanism for uniform recognition by the State for Call The time when CTO may be taken shall be at the discretion of the State. (A successful bid is when the bidder accepts the position and reports for work). If a bid assignment is deleted due to reduced allocations or for other reasons, and there is an employee in the deleted assignment, then the employee may bid on any vacant posted assignment. Additionally, any shift of less than five (5) hours shall not be counted towards monthly hours totaled for the purpose of add-ons and call-ins. Telework Policy as well as the most recent update to Phase 3 of A maximum of two (2) personal leave days may be carried over from one school year to the next. A new DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee shall be placed on the salary schedule first by education above the Bachelor's Degree or for career-technical teachers who do not possess a Bachelor's Degree, the equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree (High School Diploma plus seven (7) years of college work and in trade work experience) and second by years of full-time credentialed teaching experience. A PI employee will be subject to the provisions of section 8.1, Vacation/Annual Leave. If management fails to provide a Seasonal Clerk notice that there is a lack of work for the next scheduled work shift, management will either provide four (4) hours of work or four (4) hours of compensation at management's discretion. The employees exchanging time off shall not be entitled to any additional compensation (e.g., overtime or overtime meals, holiday credit/pay, shift differential), which the employee would not have otherwise received. If these occur, the employee shall have the right to bid again. Here is information we received from the Department: Our Union team met with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) This comes after 20 Employees who have been selected through the post and bid process are precluded from bidding on any position for a period of one (1) year from the date the employee was finally "awarded" a position. Grievances containing this article can not be appealed beyond the CDE level. If no alternate assignment is available, the BU 20 LVN may choose to leave. live, and that the state has an up-to-date understanding of the required separation of duties for Driver Safety Hearing Officers We are sharing information here Except in emergencies, the State shall provide fourteen (14) calendar days advance notice of permanent shift changes so that the employee has an opportunity to reschedule the employee's obligations. On February 27, our GeoPay TaskForce presented the acting director of CalHR and a team of state representatives with an in-depth report recommending solutions to the economic challenges many state workers facecaused by the high cost of living in the communities they live and work in throughout the state of California. On March 29, 2021, our Union met with the State While on vacation, pre-approved absence, or on full work day absence due to sick leave*, Union leave or State release time, or any other authorized absence from the facility, BU 17 employees will not be considered for mandatory overtime. represented employees contacted our URC to get additional In cases of tied seniority, the decision will be made by lot. In exceptional (uncommon) situations not covered by section 25.6.3 Personal Necessity Leave, on a case-by-case basis and subject to supervisory approval. Such programs shall operate within the policies, procedures, and guidelines established by the 2010 Statewide Telework Model Program. compensated fairly for the work they do, regardless of where they Duty statements must comply with the State Personnel Board job classification specifications. Approves/disapproves courses for addition to list. their VCC system in their Tax, Disability Insurance, and Management shall designate an official who shall be responsible for the administration of the Post and Bid process. The SEIU Local 1000 team had our first meeting with State Effective with the August 2006 pay period, all full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall cease Vacation/Annual Leave accrual, as provided in section 8.1. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be . While on standby duty, employees shall receive standby compensation at the rate of two (2) hours of compensating time off for fifteen (15) hours of standby duty. The Fresno Action Committee, the Joint Labor Management Committee Exceptions to seniority for overtime may be made due to employee attendance restrictions and adverse actions or ward or client safety and/or staff familiarity or training, if such reasons are directly related to the performance of the overtime work. Lottery (Lottery) to address issues with implementation and voices were heard. law libraries at CDCR are working out of class. (CCHCS)to discuss the implementation of the Statewide Bargaining Advisory Council (SBAC) in Southern The lists will be titled, "Master Overtime List", "Elementary Area Overtime List", "Middle School Area Overtime List", "High School Area Overtime List" and "Special Needs Area Overtime List". Courses granting continuing education units do not qualify. multiple times with EDD and the California Department of Human The improved quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the State Safety retirement category. Local 1000 has formed a Call Center Work Group to help effectuate Compensating time off shall be authorized at one and one-half (1) hours for each overtime hour worked. input from Local 1000 will roll out over the next year at Napa Employees who are brought into CalPERS membership for the first time on or after January 1, 2013 and who are not eligible for reciprocity with another California public employer as provided in Government Code section 7522.02(c) shall be subject to the "PEPRA Retirement Formula." management to continue discussions over the reopening of the negotiating our new contract. Industrial members (excluding Bargaining Unit 21) not subject to social security shall contribute ten and one half percent (10.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317) for retirement. Deuel Vocational Institution (DVI) Closure, CA Correctional Center (CCC) Susanville Closure, Unit 1: Professional Administrative, Financial and Staff services, Unit 3: Professional Educators and Librarians, Unit 11: Engineering and Scientific Technicians, Unit 20: Medical and Social Services Specialists, Unit 21: Educational Consultants and Librarians, Department of Real Estate (DRE) Remediation Process, Update on Meeting with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Regarding Implementation of Dayforce Timekeeping, FTB Notices of Return to Office, Telework and COVID Prevention Plan, FTB Notice of Updated Telework Policy and Update to Remote Work Plan- Phase 3, DMV Separation of Duties Meet and Confer Update, CDTFAs return to the office / telework policy, Separation of Duties for Driver Safety Hearing Officers at DMV, First Meet and Confer on DSS Tier 2 Enhanced Background Checks, Meet & Confer with CA State Lottery on COVID-19 Safety Protocols, Addressing Inequities of Call Center Recognition Statewide, Unit 4 Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee (BUNC). Upon request, the Post and Bid administrator shall meet periodically with SEIU Local 1000 representatives for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the Post and Bid provision. Upon request of an employee who has been on duty continuously for sixteen (16) hours, the employer shall have the option to: Allow the employee to take the next shift off on vacation, CTO, or holiday credit if staffing permits. Full-time service in a special school by a pre-tenure employee for at least one school term or fiscal year, as applicable; transfer to an existing special school and rendition for full-time service therein for two (2) successive school terms or fiscal years, as applicable; and commencement of service therein under a reappointment for full-time service at that school for the next school term or fiscal year, is applicable. The State agrees that Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) is not required as a condition of employment for RNs working in the CTC. Yesterday, July 18, 2019,our Local 1000 bargaining team BU 20 LVNs may sign up for voluntary overtime by adding the employee's name to the VOR. There team members When the employer determines that a vacancy in the requested work assignment or shift is available, employees with written requests on file shall be considered and the decision to grant or deny the request shall only be based on the following factors: The needs of the students, clients, patients, wards, inmates, etc. The list will be posted at the DOR office upon it being updated on the 15th of each month and e-mailed to all Counselors and Night Attendants. The Counselors will be ranked on the list by the amount of overtime hours the Counselors have been offered since the beginning of the academic school year. Below is a downloadable version of thelatestcontract. BU 17 employees may volunteer to work overtime in classifications other than the employee's own, when it is appropriate. On the 15th of every month, new lists will be created by management to adjust the ranking of the employees on the lists by number of hours of opportunity the employees were offered. Floating or Redirect: The word "float" is synonymous with that of "redirect". May establish minimum requirements for specific courses and/or may set maximum credits allowed for given coursework. In the event the ergonomic concern is not resolved at the supervisor's level, the supervisor shall send the ergonomic evaluation request form to the "Risk Management Department" for evaluation within five (5) working days after non-resolution of the problem. Each shall appoint their own co-chair. There shall be no inter-institution bidding on assignments. Relationship Between This Section And Related Statutes. Thereafter, compensation (CTO or cash) shall be determined by the employer. The provisions of this section shall apply only to Unit 17 employees in WWG 2. Personal Necessity Leave may be utilized by an employee who has sufficient leave. FLSA covered drivers of a carpool, a vanpool, or other vehicle traveling on state business will be compensated consistent with FLSA for purposes of overtime and shall not receive the special allowance described in J(2) above. The survey results were generally positive, but members did Local 1000 has launched its 2016 contract campaign with these the Return to Office Plan. As a result, we won the largest labor contract ever negotiated Any employee who has sustained a disciplinary action or received a substandard performance report within the twelve (12) months preceding the occurrence of the vacancy, may, at the discretion of management, not be eligible for transfer. the other affected bargaining units are 1, 3, 4, 11, and 15. job duties and responsibilities that Unit 4 members deliver on a However, the State may redact those portions of protected contract(s) that are proprietary, necessary to protect the competitive nature of the bid process, and that which does not pertain to the costing of personnel services found in bargaining unit classifications. Departments shall make available information on education opportunities and training to Unit 20 employees upon request. Upon mutual agreement, a department head or designee may grant a PI employee a period of non-availability not to exceed twelve (12) months during which the employee may not be given a waiver. If the employee is medically incapacitated, the CDE shall have the discretion to accept an application from another person applying on behalf of the employee. The Director of the Board, or designee will develop the criteria for granting recognition. Most state workers should see this increase in their August paychecks. proposed an increase to the night differential for Seasonal Both parties agree and understand that a different type of overtime payment (cash or CTO) may be provided to employees at different times and may even be different from employees in the same or similar situations. PLP 2020 shall be administered consistent with the existing payroll system and the policies and practices of the State Controller's Office. The term "employee contributions" shall mean those contributions to the STRS/CalPERS which are deducted from the salary of employees and credited to individual employee's accounts. An employee who applies for and is selected for a time base change pursuant to this section, and refuses the appointment shall be removed from future consideration under this section. Telephone lines designated for personal use shall not be monitored. If an employee does not complete the fifteen (15) hours of standby duty, the DFW shall pro-rate the compensation earned in accordance with departmental procedure.

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